Monday, January 10, 2011


I haves a bad case of da Mondays. I hads to get up earlys to comes backs to coll-edge and I nots use to it heres againz. I just wants to sleeps and Mummy needs to puts out a news smelly fing of da airs. 

Gizmo was doings betters dis morning; he ates his kibbles and Mummy felt betters, but she iz still worrieds about hims. She said we needs to buy da heat pads dat our cousin Tumbleweed haves. 

Mummy still isnt feeling da bestset: she haves an aches of da head but I fink its froms all da book staring she been doings. Last times I walked across da page I fink she was book staring abouts da row-mans or somefing.. who iz day anyway? 

Mummy just gabes me dinners, so I ams goings to eats and goings backs to sleeps! I no likey Mondays.

<3Little Foot

1 comment:

  1. I bet mummy's ache of the head is from all that book staring. I hope she is almost done learning about the "row-mans". LOL
